Campaign Manager School Set for December
October 24, 2009
Campaign Manager School Set for December
Hit the ground running in 2010: Attend the Leadership Institute's Campaign Manager School, the premier training program for campaign managers. To put it simply, this school teaches you how to manage campaigns and win. With a strong emphasis on grassroots organization and effective media strategy, the school is led by experts who know campaigns and have run them successfully.A five-day program, the Campaign Manager School is comprehensive. You learn the essentials from writing the campaign plan to building your campaign structure. From there you learn about fundraising, including how to put together a finance committee, as well as how to solicit donors. You'll also gain info on how to target voters and build and develop your campaign's winning message.Other topics covered include: recruiting and motivating volunteers building coalitions winning earned media coverage online fundraising and much, much more. The next Campaign Manager School is December 7-11 in Arlington, Virginia. The cost is $250. Call 1-800-827-5323 today for all the details or go to >
Gun Rights Supporters to March in D.C. in April
October 23, 2009
Gun Rights Supporters to March in D.C. in April
Second Amendment March, a grassroots organization of gun-rights supporters, is organizing a series of marches next year around the country, culminating in a national march on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on April 19, 2010. Organizers are seeking state coordinators to organize the local marches in all fifty states. Help is also needed in promotion of the event. You can spread the word by joining the march's Facebook group and following them on Twitter. The Twitter page is organizers stress the non-partisan nature of the event saying that the event is open to anyone who believes strongly in the Constitution. To learn more, go to>
Campaign Draws Attention to National Debt
October 23, 2009
Campaign Draws Attention to National Debt
The national debt. It seems so abstract. You hear the numbers. You know it's not good, but it doesn't seem to affect you directly. But it is a new multi-media campaign designed to educate Americans on the size, scope, and dangers associated with America's rapidly soaring debt. The group is running ads on cable television and in newspapers around the country. The group's website also offers an easy-to-understand explanation of how large the debt is and why the nation's debt matters as well as how it personally impacts your life.At press time, the national debt stands at $11.9 trillion with nearly $2.5 billion in debt added on a daily basis. As the site points out, it's hard for those numbers alone to really affect most people. But when you realize—as the site goes on to explain—that our national debt is now larger than the economies of China, the United Kingdom, and Australia combined, you begin to get the picture.To learn more about the debt and what you can do to make your voice heard on this issue, go to >
IHS Awards Fellowship Recipients up to $12,000
October 23, 2009
IHS Awards Fellowship Recipients up to $12,000
The Institute for Humane Studies is accepting applications for its 2010-2011 Humane Studies Fellowships from undergraduate and graduate students interested in the “principles, practices and institutions necessary for a free society.” Fellowship recipients will receive up to $12,000 each. The program, launched in 1983, awarded 165 fellowships this year. Past winners have conducted research in areas such as:• impediments to economic growth in developing countries• market-based solutions to environmental policy• the role of patient autonomy in bioethics• the relationship between U.S. presidential politics, fiscal policy, and economic performance.Applicants for the 2010-2011 fellowship must be full-time students in a graduate program or juniors or seniors in an undergraduate program at a U.S. college or university. The application deadline is December 31, 2009. Go to to learn more or to begin the online application process.>
37th Annual CPAC Set for February 18-20 in Nation’s Capital
October 23, 2009
37th Annual CPAC Set for February 18-20 in Nation’s Capital
Conservatives will convene at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C. for the 37th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference February 18-20, 2010. The event features addresses from top conservative leaders and media personalities as well as smaller break-out training sessions.Registration prices vary anywhere from $175 to $750. However, students with a valid student ID can attend the general sessions and exhibitor hall for $25. Students interested in volunteering at the conference can receive free lodging and meals during the conference. E-mail Vincent Galatro at for a volunteer application.Your Leadership Institute is one of the cosponsors of CPAC 2010 and will offer training sessions during the conference. To get all the details on CPAC, go to You can follow CPAC on Twitter at>
2009 Balance in Media Fellowship recipient Josiah Ryan describes his experience interning for the Jerusalem Post in Israel.
October 21, 2009
2009 Balance in Media Fellowship recipient Josiah Ryan describes his experience interning for the Jerusalem Post in Israel.
With the burden of heavy video equipment I had hiked narrow streets since dawn, turning endless corners, and chasing rumors of war that whispered with a fury through the unsettled city. Tensions simmered among the religious population, and this morning, a Friday, was the most important day of prayer in the week for rival occupants of Jerusalem, Muslims and Jews. A blockade imposed by platoons of Israeli paratroopers prevented Muslim men from approaching the third holiest site of their religion, the Temple Mount. Military boots and guns maintained the artifice of peace that I doubt reflected the reality in the surrounding neighborhoods. One important principle I have tried to take as a mentee of some of the Jerusalem Post's best writers while reporting on a Leadership Institute Broadcast Journalism Fellowship, is that in tough conditions tenacity and patience are the reporter's race. The last man standing often brings the story home to his newspaper. Regardless of handicaps, the chief among them being language, I had often reaped the rewards of patience and longsuffering in previous months at the Post. I won interviews with political stars from around the world, gained front page spots in the print edition, and was sent on exciting adventures through the Holy Land. Television camera and notebook in hand I had chased stories across rooftops of crumbling tenements, crawled through the ancient mud of caves and graves, and tiptoed into the thickest conditions of what might be called a normal Middle Eastern day. When three explosions reverberated out across the valley opposite of my position near the Old City's walls I knew I had my story and I began running in that direction. I was carrying a JPOST TV camera and unlike other photographers who ran with me, I wore no Kevlar helmet. It's difficult to explain what it's like to report from the heart of a battle between suburbs of angry Palestinians and the smartest urban combat force in the world. Every brick dropped on us from the three storied buildings that lined the streets, every shot fired, every terrified scream of distressed mothers, and the blood, even in small amounts were, of course, terrifying. Time stopped but in my head was the task before me as a newsman. I must capture this for the viewership. The silence fell in minutes, but it felt like hours. I was exhausted with the same sensation one might have after running a marathon. There had been about 23 serious injuries in total but I escaped, intact and with video that headlined the Jerusalem Posts website for the weekend and scooped the competition. I also emerged with the idea that I should write my sponsors at the Leadership Institute and ask them to mail me a helmet post haste. Of course in reality, reporting is always hard work, always long work, and always low paid work with little glory, but it is usually quite safe. Most of my days are passed in perfect tranquility. Safe or unsafe, however, I understand as a conservative that the challenges in storm and in calm are worthwhile. I understand that a robust and fearless press is the cornerstone of democracy and crucial to the endurance of freedom. As my work continues, I am grateful to Morton Blackwell, Eric Slee, the Leadership Institute, and its many strong supporters for choosing me as a partner. The Leadership Institute has armed me with vast amounts of potent technical and ideological conservative training and placed me in positions where I could fight for those beliefs. Since the Leadership Institute recruited me to come to Washington in the summer of 2007 it has remained my greatest ally. >
LI Trains over 40 Texans at Latest Youth Leadership School
October 21, 2009
LI Trains over 40 Texans at Latest Youth Leadership School
Over the weekend of October 17-18, 2009, the Leadership Institute held a Youth Leadership School in College Station, Texas. Forty-three students attended from colleges such as Baylor, Texas State, TCU, Texas A&M. Fernando Trevino of Del Rio, Texas, stated “I honestly feel that I learned more this weekend than I had in the time I spent as a congressional intern, county co-chair, and volunteer.” A number of TEA Party activists from San Antonio also attended the training. The night before the training, many of the YLS students protested Socialized Medicine at President Obama's speech in College Station.The next Youth Leadership School will be held in Pinehurst, NC, on October 29-30.>
LI graduate and faculty member named rising star
October 13, 2009
LI graduate and faculty member named rising star
Princella Smith, a graduate of the Leadership Institute's Grassroots Activist School, was named a rising GOP star by Politico. In an article dated September 30, 2009, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is quoted calling Princella “one of the most talented people I've met.” Mary Matalin calls her “the total package” whose “greatest gift is the passion she brings to conservatism.”Princella has lectured at several Leadership Institute trainings including the February 2009 Campaign Manager School. She currently serves as communications director for Representative Joseph Cao of Lousiana. >
LI trains over 75 students in Carson City, NV
October 9, 2009
LI trains over 75 students in Carson City, NV
Over 75 conservative elected officials, candidates and activists gathered for the Leadership Institute's Campaign School Held on Saturday, October 5, 2009 in Carson City, NV. Representatives from the Governor's office, the Nevada State House, and local offices were trained on how to become more effective in campaigning and public policy. The day-long training was held at Carson City's Plaza Hotel in the Convention Center and featured notable national speakers such as Joel Mowbray, Robert Arnakis, and Robert Cahaly. As the 2010 political races begin to heat up Nevada's voters want their voices to be heard and from the looks of this weekend's training, Nevada politicians are paying close attention. The Leadership Institute training was so well received that additional trainings will possibly be scheduled in Reno, Las Vegas, and Winnemucca.>
Former Secretary of the Navy addresses guests at the Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast
October 8, 2009
Former Secretary of the Navy addresses guests at the Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast
On October 7, 2009, more than 70 guests filled the FM Kirby National Training Center to listen to former Secretary of the Navy, Dr. John Lehman at this month's Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast. The large crowd enjoyed listening to the Reagan White House secretary appraise the, “State of our Defenses.” It was a dynamic speech, and Secretary Lehman assured the crowd that we must continue to work toward filling all ranks with sharp, young conservatives.>
LI Holds its 3rd Annual Free Market Job Fair
October 6, 2009
LI Holds its 3rd Annual Free Market Job Fair
On Friday, October 2, 2009, the Leadership Institute hosted its 3rd annual Free Market Job Fair during Americans For Prosperity's Defending the American Dream Summit in Arlington, VA. Over 100 conservative job seekers attended the fair to meet with representatives from 15 prominent conservative organizations, to discuss job and internship opportunities and to learn how to get plugged into the conservative movement.>
Over seventy enthusiastic students attend LI training at the Defending the American Dream Summit.
October 5, 2009
Over seventy enthusiastic students attend LI training at the Defending the American Dream Summit.
Hoping for 30 or 40 participants, Leadership Institute trainers were blown away when as many as 100 enthusiastic attendees crowded into a room at the Defending the American Dream Summit hosted by Americans for Prosperity at the Gateway Marriott near Reagan National Airport on October 2, 2009. Despite the jammed conditions – 68 chairs plus a packed standing room only space in the back of the room – LI staff were able to collect over 70 signed attendance sheets in a room that remained packed for over three solid hours. More important, a large number of attendees requested information about doing further training in their regions of the country.>
LI trains conservative interns to be priceless assets in their organizations and offices.
October 5, 2009
LI trains conservative interns to be priceless assets in their organizations and offices.
On October 1, 2009 the Leadership Institute trained over 30 interns from area conservative organizations at the Conservative Intern Workshop. Students from Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heritage Foundation, Concerned Women for America, and several Congressional offices turned out to hone their professional skills and learn the ropes of living in Washington, DC. At the conclusion of the workshop, the students stayed for dinner and a viewing of the documentary Not Evil Just Wrong.>
LI Holds its 3rd Annual Free Market Job Fair
October 5, 2009
LI Holds its 3rd Annual Free Market Job Fair
On Friday, October 2, 2009, the Leadership Institute hosted its 3rd annual Free Market Job Fair during Americans For Prosperity's Defending the American Dream Summit in Arlington, VA. Over 100 conservative job seekers attended the fair to meet with representatives from 15 prominent conservative organizations, to discuss job and internship opportunities and to learn how to get plugged into the conservative movement. >
LI Training and Balance in Media Grant start the Conservative Hawk, a conservative publication for UNC-Wilmington.
September 29, 2009
LI Training and Balance in Media Grant start the Conservative Hawk, a conservative publication for UNC-Wilmington.
After completing the Leadership Institute's Student Publications Workshop, UNC-Wilmington students Kevin King, Tyler Cralle, and Cameron Spencer were inspired to start their own paper. Equipped with several story ideas from the training, they quickly assembled a team of writers. The first issue of the Conservative Hawk published at the end of August 2009 with financial support of Leadership Institute donors through a Balance in Media Grant. The UNC-Wilmington team are currently working on the second issue of the Conservative Hawk. We have recommended them to the Collegiate Network, a division of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which provides additional funding for superior student newspapers started by the Leadership Institute field staff.>
Over 100 Conservatives Placed in Jobs and Internships
September 28, 2009
Over 100 Conservatives Placed in Jobs and Internships
As September 2009 rounds to a close, LI's Employment Placement Service has placed over 100 conservatives in jobs and internships this year. As the “Human Resources Department of the Conservative Movement,” the Leadership Institute is able help launch many talented conservative careers through and by personal referrals sent to organizations in the DC area and around the country.Contact the Leadership Institute today to schedule your personal career counseling session or to launch the search for your next staff member.>
LI Makes Conservatives More Persuasive than Liberals
September 28, 2009
LI Makes Conservatives More Persuasive than Liberals
It is no secret that strong public speaking skills are vital to success in politics. However, many individuals mistakenly assume that strong principles and sound policies alone can carry the day. On Friday, September 25, 2009, the Leadership Institute conducted a Public Speaking Workshop to train conservatives to connect with an audience and persuade voters.Led by Dr. John Shosky, professional speechwriter, coach, and trainer, the workshop took conservatives through the steps necessary to construct a persuasive speech and deliver a moving message.As a follow-up to Friday's training, the Leadership Institute will hold an Advanced Public Speaking Workshop on November 13. >
Forty Eager Job Seekers Attend Conservative Career Workshop
September 24, 2009
Forty Eager Job Seekers Attend Conservative Career Workshop
From September 22-24, 2009, the Leadership Institute welcomed 40 eager job seekers to our headquarters in Arlington, VA for the final Conservative Career Workshop of 2009. The group heard from a number of distinguished leaders in the conservative movement, including David A. Keene, President of the American Conservative Union and Paul Teller, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee. The workshop has helped many conservative job seekers secure an ideal position and get the salary they want. Additionally, on October 1, the Leadership Institute will host a free Conservative Intern Workshop where students will learn how to become unforgettable assets to their offices or organizations.>
Youth Leadership School (YLS) trains over 600 students in the first three quarters of 2009.
September 23, 2009
Youth Leadership School (YLS) trains over 600 students in the first three quarters of 2009.
The Youth Leadership School (YLS) cleared 600 students trained this year on the weekend of September 19-20, 2009, with schools running simultaneously in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. The YLS held in Warminster, PA, just north of Valley Forge, had 28 students in attendance. The group represented a large sampling of local politics from Teenage Republicans, Young Republicans, College Republicans, three elected officials, and one gentleman interested in running for congress. The school also made head way in the local media. The conference was covered by the Intelligencer on how LI is “Training Leaders For Tomorrow's Politics”. After the school one student was quoted as saying, “Having attended the YLS it is not difficult to understand why LI has the reputation it has.”Our school in Front Royal, VA had great success as well. 23 students attended many of which were homeschool students and students from Christendom College. The students were visited by State Senator. Ken Cuccinelli. Sen. Cuccinelli discussed the importance of young conservatives getting trained to become more effective for candidates or causes of their choice. >
Leadership Institute Television Workshop prepares conservatives to capitalize on media appearances.
September 22, 2009
Leadership Institute Television Workshop prepares conservatives to capitalize on media appearances.
During the weekend of September 19-20, 2009, eleven activists and future candidates attended the Leadership Institute's Television Workshop. Through this workshop, conservatives are given the opportunity to gain valuable in-studio experience and confidence that will allow them capitalize on media appearances and maximize the impact of their message.“With all the appearances and less than inspired performances, it is almost as if the president has come to believe that if he just keeps showing up on TV over and over and over, his message will carry the day and he will regain control of the health care debate,” says Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik about the president's most recent appearance on David Letterman. Just being on television doesn't mean you are delivering your message effectively as Mr. Zurawik points out.As the 24 hour cable news cycle churns through talking heads at an almost dizzying pace, owning your message and breaking through the clutter on television is more important than ever. You may only get a few minutes to explain to thousands of viewers why you decided to attend the Tea Parties, or why you are choosing to run for elected office and you need to make it count. >
Total: 848