Andrew McIndoe Educates Young People in Conservatism
Lauren Hart
January 16, 2012
Andrew McIndoe Educates Young People in Conservatism
Andrew McIndoe's commitment to conservative principles has been years in the making. Andrew, as a young twenty-something, has a resume with experience at Grove City's Center for Vision and Values, the Leadership Institute, Young America's Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, The Fund for American Studies, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation's Associate Program, and the Bill of Rights Institute, where he is currently a director of development. “Attending my first Leadership Institute's Youth Leadership School in 2002 led to my first job as a youth campaign coordinator in the most expensive congressional primary race in 2004,” Andrew said. “My first experiences in Washington, D.C. came to fruition because of my internship at the Leadership Institute. That summer served as a springboard for me in many ways.” Since 2002, Andrew has attended 22 Leadership Institute trainings. “When I was an intern at LI, during the summer of 2007 in Morton's office, I decided that I would try to attend every training that was offered during those few months,” Andrew explained. “LI interns didn't have to pay to attend trainings and we lived a few, short blocks away so learning how to win was a never-ending process.” “I love how LI trainings provide attendees with both the theoretical background information on a subject and the technical, pragmatic know-how that's important to delivering a victory for conservative causes,” Andrew said. “After attending a wide variety of schools, I felt much more well-rounded and prepared to engage in the fight.” Andrew said, “Be it direct mail, public relations, grassroots organizing, television training, or campaign management, I gained a much better understanding of how to be effective.” Interning at the Leadership Institute was “also my first exposure to the incredible network of generous people who choose to invest in shaping the next generation of liberty-minded leaders. Little did I know that I would end up working in this field professionally after college,” Andrew said. Following his LI internship, Andrew was a summer development intern at the Heritage Foundation and a summer Sarah T. Hermann Intern Scholar at Young America's Foundation. After college, Andrew participated in the Charles G. Koch Associate Program, a one-year competitive management training program, during which he worked at The Fund for American Studies as a development associate. Currently, Andrew is director of development for the Bill of Rights Institute, a non-profit organization that educates young people about the words and ideas of America's founders, the liberties guaranteed in the founding documents, and how the founding principles continue to shape our free society. “Working in development, I act as a philanthropic consultant, enabling generous people to achieve their charitable goals and reaching their dream of returning a Constitutional culture to the United States,” Andrew said. Andrew was born in Oak Ridge, North Carolina and graduated from Grove City College in 2010 with a degree in political science and entrepreneurship. At Grove City, Andrew was a marketing Koch fellow for Grove City's Center for Vision and Values, a free-market campus think tank. He also founded the Crimson Conservatives, a campus organization dedicated to advancing the principles of limited government, free enterprise, and individual freedom. Crimson Conservatives are affiliated with LI's Campus Leadership Program, which aids students in starting and maintaining conservative organizations on their campus. Andrew also made school history when he won a second, year-long term as executive president of the Student Government Association at Grove City College. “LI training is the best bang for your buck out there,” Andrew said. “The staff and faculty work hard to keep up with the ever-changing world of technology. The faculty members are great which means the thousands of Institute graduates are constantly learning from the best in the field." To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Ron Nehring, California Republican Party Chairman  (2007 - 2011) – 
LI’s Graduate and Faculty of the Week
Lauren Hart
December 23, 2011
Ron Nehring, California Republican Party Chairman (2007 - 2011) – LI’s Graduate and Faculty of the Week
Hailing from the Golden State, the former California Republican Party chairman works to advance conservatives in leadership throughout the state, country, and world because he knows the value of liberty. The only child of German immigrant parents who experienced the Cold War, Ron appreciates the light and delight that the “City on the Hill” brings to the world.As California Republican Party (CRP) chairman, Ron and his team raised more than $73 million, permanently retired more $4 million in debt, and instituted a wide array of management and financial reforms in his four years before stepping down earlier this year due to term limits. “Leadership Institute training dramatically improves the effectiveness of any candidate, campaign staff member, or activist who attends. Every day I take the principles we teach at the Leadership Institute and put them into practice,” Ron said.“The Leadership Institute had a direct and very positive impact at every level of my career, starting with the very first LI training I attended as a 19-year-old College Republican in 1990,” Ron said. “While I studied political science in the classroom, the Leadership Institute taught me the value and importance of organization and communication, and how those skills directly contribute to individual success, as well as the advancement of the conservative movement.”Before he was chairman of the CRP, Ron served as chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County “specifically because I said that if elected I would apply the campaign methodologies taught at the Leadership Institute. During my tenure, we did precisely that, and in the course of so doing we built one of the largest and most successful county Republican committees in America,” Ron explained. Ron took three LI trainings: Student Publications School in February 1990; Youth Leadership School in March 1990; and Broadcast Journalism School in June 1993.Ron has served as LI faculty at more than 33 trainings in the U.S. and abroad from places as various as Texas, Hawaii, England, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, California, Louisiana, Colorado, New York, Tennessee, and New Mexico.Ron is a past chairman of the Republican National Committee's State Chairmen's Committee.From 2005 to 2006 Ron was appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a member of the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. From 2004 to 2006, he was a member of the Grossmont Union High School District Board of Trustees, where he proposed a bold plan to transform all of the district's 11 high schools into charter schools to be managed by boards elected by parents of the children attending each school.In 2003, Ron was unanimously chosen by his peers to serve as president of the California Republican County Chairmen's Association. “I know my fellow chairmen appreciated how we institutionalized the sharing of information and political technology. I learned the importance of sharing such valuable information from my work with LI,” Ron said.During his term, the association took on major new roles in providing professional training and support for county chairmen, sharing information between counties, and serving as a strong advocate for increasing support for volunteers through 58 county committees.“When I moved to San Diego in 2000 we held a Leadership Institute school in San Diego, and I invited local activists to participate,” Ron said. “A few months later, when a change of leadership was coming to the county Republican Party, I was recruited to run for chairman, and I developed a plan for the county party based on what we teach at the Leadership Institute. I was elected by acclamation, and we put those plans into action.”In 2001, when Ron was elected chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego unanimously, the county was one of America's largest counties with a population exceeding more than a dozen states. During his chairmanship: fundraising increased more than twenty-fold; support for local candidates surged; and the party pioneered the largest, ongoing Republican voter turnout program in California. Ron inherited a committee long in debt, and through a combination of strong fundraising and solid financial management, he left it with large cash reserves and debt-free.Ron is a former president of his College Republican club, and is a first generation American born here in the Land of the Free.“I'm the only child of two German immigrant parents. My father was a sailor in the German merchant marines, and when he left at age 26 he decided that of all the places he had seen as a sailor, he most wanted to raise a family in the freedom he saw defined America,” Ron reflected.“During the Cold War, my parents watched as Germany remained divided and the East was dominated by the Soviet Union. My father saw little difference in between the socialists in Europe and the Democrats here in America in that both groups wanted government prerogative to supplant individual liberty,” Ron said.“When I got to the State University of New York at Stony Brook, I immediately joined the College Republicans and while there, I learned of the Leadership Institute,” Ron said. “I traveled to Washington the next year to attend my first LI school,” Ron remembered. “It was at this first training that I met Morton Blackwell and my first LI faculty, and I finally felt like there were others in the country who shared my conservative ideas, and more importantly, wanted to teach me how to win. I was hooked.”Come get “hooked” on how to win like Ron was by registering for an upcoming Leadership Institute training. Ron might even be one of your faculty members.“The best part about teaching at Leadership Institute trainings is the people who attend – both the participants, and the faculty. LI training becomes a one- or two-day learning and networking event benefitting everyone in the room,” Ron said. “I really enjoy meeting the candidates, activists, and future campaign staff who take the time to attend and learn what it takes to win,” he continued. “By being there, they've already shown they have a level of commitment and they recognize the importance of organizing and communicating so we can leave prepared to defeat the left.” To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Frank Scaturro’s “Natural Progression” to New York Congressional Candidate
Lauren Hart
December 12, 2011
Frank Scaturro’s “Natural Progression” to New York Congressional Candidate
Frank Scaturro is no ordinary candidate. Born to an Italian immigrant who made the American Dream reality as an entrepreneur, his son Frank knows the value of hard work and high ethics. These principles drive Frank to restore freedom back to the citizens and businesses of Long Island and away from the federal government. Conserving liberty is why Frank is running for Congress. “In New York, it's still early in the campaign season, so I will typically make lots of phone calls to actual and potential supporters during business hours when I am not handling case work or attending an event,” Frank said. Frank is active in his community, and one can often find him distributing clothing and supplies to veterans or talking to seniors about the Constitution or speaking at Kiwanis clubs, chambers of commerce, historical-preservation groups, or Republican women's clubs. When the weather warms, Frank is out knocking doors and greeting voters. In August 2008 Frank attended LI training in St. Paul, Minnesota where he learned grassroots lobbying and campaign management tactics, such as: campaign plans, messaging, voter ID, and debating. Frank's campaign Communications Director Akeem Mellis is also an LI graduate, taking a Grassroots Communications Workshop and a Campus Action Workshop. “The Leadership Institute provides the kind of training that is indispensable to winning a competitive election,” Frank said. “There are so many impressive policy think tanks out there that deal with policy, but the Leadership Institute is unique in devoting itself to process—a dimension of education that is necessary for us to be in a position to build a better future through public policy.” For Frank, Congress isn't something new; this legislative body captivated him at age seven. “My candidacy marks a natural progression from the moment I was captivated by American history at age 7 to my more recent opportunities for public service and scholarship,” Frank said. Born in New York City in 1972, Frank, the Eagle Scout, worked hard at his high school summer jobs: restaurant busboy; store cashier; high school maintenance help. Interestingly, in college (1993) Frank interned for Rep. David Levy, who represented NY's 4th congressional district, the seat for which Frank is currently seeking. “I had my first opportunity to encounter Congress from the outside while I was studying at Columbia University during the early 1990's. I volunteered with the National Park Service nearby at President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb and discovered a level of desecration and neglect that I considered a national disgrace,” Frank remembered. “In the face of the bureaucracy's unwillingness to remedy the problem, I pursued the general public and the New York congressional delegation so that we could secure a restoration of the monument by its 1997 Centennial,” Frank said. He founded a non-profit organization, the Grant Monument Association, which served as an outlet for citizen support for the monument and a source of education on the life and legacy of President Grant. By 1997, his many reports and memos were answered with a $1.8 million face-lift. Victory! After law school, Frank worked as an attorney in private practice while continuing to pursue truth in the fields of history and law by taking every opportunity to publish. What emerged was one study on the civil rights amendments to the Constitution and a volume he co-authored on how to be a responsible public company in the wake of the corporate scandals of the early part of the last decade. Following private practice, Frank served more than four years as counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he handled constitutional law matters and judicial nominations, including the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito. Frank also served as a visiting professor at Hofstra Law School, where he taught courses on the legislative process and constitutional law. This year he joined the law firm FSB FisherBroyles, which puts “the traditional law firm structure in a clean room and dismantles it. This new law firm 2.0 model discards costly inefficiencies such as expensive overhead, inexperienced attorneys, and the multi-layered approach to delivery of services,” according to their website. But now it's time for Frank's next stage of public policy: running a New York congressional campaign. “The Leadership Institute training I attended was certainly helpful in refining strategies for walking neighborhoods and targeting voters,” Frank said. “I had been involved in dozens of campaigns since high school, and my district is conducive to traditional forms of campaigning like walk-through canvassing, phone banks, and signs.” Frank continues, “LI keeps up to date on the best of the new technology and combines it with the best advice on perfecting traditional methods of voter outreach. It has left me that much more aware of the inexpensive methods that are available to connect with voters and even to register new ones.” “My only regret is that my schedule did not permit me to attend LI's week-long candidate school,” Frank said. If you are considering a bid for office or ready to run a conservative's campaign, considering coming to LI's next campaign training Monday, Jan. 30 through Thursday, Feb. 2. For more information, go here. Please welcome Frank Scaturro as LI's Graduate of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Rachel Hoff—the International Affairs Expert—Is LI’s Graduate and Faculty of the Week
Lauren Hart
December 5, 2011
Rachel Hoff—the International Affairs Expert—Is LI’s Graduate and Faculty of the Week
Rachel Hoff's passion for politics and international affairs has been a journey in the making, and is certainly quite distinguishable. A daughter of expatriates, who worked in Japan, Rachel attended Tufts University and then went to work for the American Enterprise Institute, United States Congress, National Republican Congressional Committee, and, now, at the Foreign Policy Initiative as director of government relations & outreach. “Leadership Institute training was absolutely formative in the early stages of my career,” Rachel said. “The lessons I learned at LI schools taught me how to do the leadership positions I held in the Young Republicans as national field director and director of media relations. Working hard at these volunteer positions during my first several years in Washington propelled my professional journey in a way that focusing solely on my day jobs could never have done,” Rachel said. Rachel was born in Japan and grew up near Tokyo as her parents taught at the U.S. military base school. After high school graduation in Japan, Rachel attended Tufts near Boston, where she majored in political science and philosophy and was an active member of the Tufts College Republicans. And so began the integration of her international experiences living abroad, her formal political education, and her hands-on political training and experience. Rachel attended LI's Youth Leadership School in August 2004, directly before entering her first full-time job in Washington at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). “The YLS I attended in 2004 taught me everything I know about organizing youth politics – how to recruit, organize, and mobilize young people for the conservative cause,” Rachel recalls. Several months later, Rachel began as the Foreign and Defense Policy Studies research assistant at AEI working on issues in the Middle East, democracy promotion, counterterrorism strategies, and weapons nonproliferation. She was at AEI for two years before heading to Capitol Hill to work as a legislative assistant and research analyst in the U.S. House of Representatives for Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), for whom she focused on foreign affairs and national security issues. After almost two years on the Hill, Rachel joined the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), where she worked as a media coordinator in the independent expenditures unit. At the NRCC, Rachel coordinated a $20-million program of TV, radio, and mail advertising in 35 congressional districts around the country. A half-year later, Rachel moved to her current role at the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), where she's been since February 2009. As the director of government relations and outreach, Rachel is responsible for outreach to Capitol Hill, candidates, media, and like-minded organizations. She runs all of FPI's public events, from major conferences to young professionals programs in Washington, D.C. and New York. She also directs the FPI Future Leaders Program, which identifies and cultivates 20 rising foreign policy leaders annually. When asked about Institute programs, Rachel said, “LI training is conservative boot camp! This training is absolutely necessary for any aspiring young leader on the right.” A big believer in LI training, Rachel worked with LI staff to bring a Grassroots Communications Workshop to the Young Republicans National Conference in April 2006, where she managed conference logistics. Rachel has volunteered her time as an LI faculty member since 2009. Just last month she taught at LI's Conservative Career Workshop about her experience in Washington. Rachel shared how her career started and how to successfully climb the “ladder” of political careers. It was the fourth Conservative Career Workshop from LI at which she's spoken. “LI offers young conservatives a solid grounding in proven, time-tested techniques along with fresh, contemporary approaches across the spectrum of political work, all taught by some of the finest practitioners and operators on the right,” Rachel said. Please welcome Rachel Hoff as LI's Graduate and Faculty of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Canadian Richard Dur Brings Home Conservative Victory
Lauren Hart
November 28, 2011
Canadian Richard Dur Brings Home Conservative Victory
Richard Dur, the Leadership Institute's graduate of the week, helped bring home a victory for conservatives in Canada. “Your training and tutorship was absolutely invaluable. Thank you! Putting much of what I learned from and at LI made for a victory of the Wildrose Alliance Party in the 2009 Calgary-Glenmore By-election in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It's a party that is now a real force in Alberta politics,” said Richard. Richard and another LI graduate, Tony Reznowski, teamed up to work on the successful campaign. Richard first came to the Leadership Institute in May 2008 for the week-long Campaign Manager School and then for the Internet Activist School. “LI graduate and Canadian Member of Parliament Rob Anders said it well when he described LI training as ‘taking a drink from a fire hose,'” Richard said. “I would encourage all conservative activists to take LI training, work on a campaign, take more training, and do more campaigns. This method I found grew my understanding of campaigns and increased my ability to put that understanding into practice.” Richard came back for more training in February 2009. He took LI's Political Voter Mail School and the week-long Campaign Manager School for a second time. “You're bound to learn something as LI teaches so very much, but bound to miss lots too given the sheer volume and density of the program,” Richard explained, “hence the benefit of taking the training several times, complemented with actual work on political campaigns.” When not campaigning, Richard manages his business, Blue Direct – Political Services, which provides consulting and telephone services for conservative candidates running for office at all levels and for conservative organizations across Canada. “Morton Blackwell's ‘The Laws of Public Policy Process' adorns my office wall,” Richard said, “and it has provided constant insight and guidance throughout my career.” Richard was born and raised in Alberta, Canada as the youngest of three children, and graduated from St. Mary's University College (Calgary). He and his wife Chantelle, pictured above, have two children. His family currently resides in Calgary. LI offers campaign training the first full week of every month. Come the week of December 5 for LI's Future Candidate School. LI has an International Leadership Training Seminar the week of December 11 in Arlington, VA. Contact LI's Director of International Programs Miguel Moreno at for more details. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Congratulations to LI's 100,000th Graduate, Alejandro Capote
Abigail Alger
November 21, 2011
Congratulations to LI's 100,000th Graduate, Alejandro Capote
The Leadership Institute announced its 100,000th student trained since 1979: Alejandro Capote. Alejandro, a Florida State University sophomore and recently naturalized US citizen, graduated from the Institute's Youth Leadership School, its flagship training. After completing his first Youth Leadership School in Arlington, Virginia in July, Alejandro organized a 35-person Youth Leadership School on his college campus in Tallahassee, Florida on October 15. The two-day training taught students to organize and lead mass-based youth efforts for candidates and causes of their choice. At the Tallahassee training, Alejandro was named LI's 100,000th graduate. He receives free Institute training for life and a travel scholarship to any LI training in the U.S. in 2012. “In 1965, experienced conservative friends much older than I advised me there was no way to earn a living doing what I hoped to do, building the conservative movement, so I am proud today to celebrate the 100,000th student trained by my Leadership Institute,” said Morton Blackwell, president and founder of the Institute. “Alejandro Capote demonstrates the purpose of my Institute's training: to produce a new generation of conservative leaders and activists.” Born outside Havana, Cuba, Alejandro immigrated to the United States at age six with his mother and his siblings. On April 28, 2011, he became a naturalized American citizen. “The American Dream is not a house or a car, but the chance to be free and live in a country where the individual comes first,” Alejandro explained. Now a sophomore at Florida State University, Alejandro plans to teach high school classes on government and political science and, someday, to run for elected office in Florida. (His immediate next step, though, involves the Leadership Institute: he'd like to intern for LI in summer 2012.) Alejandro's political inspiration is President Ronald Reagan. “I was not around when President Reagan was around,” he said, “but his story continues to call upon a new generation of Americans, so that we can meet the challenges of our time. It is a story that continues to call upon people from all over the world to come to our shores, because they all believe that if they work hard, they can achieve the American dream. That is the greatness of our country. It is a nation built upon free ideas and free people.” Alejandro hopes someday to meet Mrs. Reagan to share how much she and her husband have shaped his ideas about government and American politics. “I want to change history,” Alejandro said. “If someone else can do it, why can't I?” Since its founding in 1979, the Leadership Institute has trained more than 100,421 students. Graduates include members of the US Senate and House, governors, state legislators, media personalities, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. Notable graduates of training include Sen. Mitch McConnell, US Senate Minority Leader; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity; and Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Committee. Join more than 100,421 conservatives who got political training – or the start of their careers in politics – at the Leadership Institute. Learn more about LI training and register for a training near your hometown.
LI Graduates of the Week: Newly Elected Virginia Delegate Mike Watson and Campaign Manager Annette James
Lauren Hart
November 14, 2011
LI Graduates of the Week: Newly Elected Virginia Delegate Mike Watson and Campaign Manager Annette James
Leadership Institute graduates Mike Watson, founder and president of Control Automation Technologies Corporation and, as of last week, newly elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, together with his Campaign Manager Annette James are this week's Leadership Institute Graduates of the Week. “Mike Watson and I met at LI just under one year ago and this past week, we brought home a victory for Mike as the new delegate over an incumbent in a district with a 53 percent Obama approval rating, and where the generic ballot test favored the Democrat,” Annette said. “It was an uphill battle, but we succeeded.” Mike and Annette met at LI's week-long Campaign Management School in December 2010. “LI is one of the best things that you can do if you are interested in politics,” Annette said. “The amount of information you receive is a bit like ‘drinking from a fire hose.'" Mike said: “I have a clear vision of goals for the Commonwealth of Virginia and our nation. As I determine the route that I will take to accomplish these, rest assured, I will make a difference. Without a doubt, the knowledge and skills learned through LI will be a significant facilitator in this effort.” Mike has taken many LI trainings: Television Workshops (both introduction to techniques and also on-camera); Public Speaking Workshop; Campaign Manager School; Future Candidate School; and Legislative Project Management School. Annette too has come for lots of training, including the Event Planning Workshop; Travel-Campaign Management School; Public Speaking Workshop; Campaign Manager School; and Youth Leadership School. Mike and Annette pursued the goal of “working to preserve the American dream,” Mike's campaign slogan, and brought home a victory last Tuesday in Virginia's state elections. As Mike heads to work in Richmond, Annette is heading back to her home in Florida before gearing up for a national campaign. “Mike and I are both willing and eager to come back to LI and tell our story at any training class you would like us at,” Annette said. “Any way we can help to promote the heck out of LI through this victory, we would be thrilled to do so!” Annette added, “We will always be grateful to LI; you hold a special place in our hearts.” LI offers campaign training the first full week of every month. Mike and Annette met at one of these week-long campaign trainings. Come to a training; you just never know. To read a former story on Annette, please click here. To read a former story on Mike, please click here. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Madrid Taxi Driver to Texas Congressional Campaign Manager: Thomas Beach, LI’s Graduate of the Week
Lauren Hart
November 7, 2011
Madrid Taxi Driver to Texas Congressional Campaign Manager: Thomas Beach, LI’s Graduate of the Week
Thomas Beach packed his bags and left his beloved Alabama for a new opportunity in the Lone Star State: managing a congressional campaign for James Kuiken in Texas' 15th district. “My main focus is on the Republican primary election in March and using what I learned about the science of campaigning at the Leadership Institute to win,” Thomas explained. This campaign is his fifth. On his first political campaign, Thomas explained, “I was full of spit and fire, and thought I knew what it took…We won 16% of the vote. I had no experience and no training at the time, but I poured my heart and soul into that campaign.” After his candidate lost, Thomas wanted to understand why. “In my search for answers,” he said, “I discovered the Leadership Institute. Afterward, I helped on various campaigns and organizations, and now I am in Texas fighting for the conservative cause.” Thomas was raised by his Mexican mother and Jewish father. After several tours as a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger, he traveled the world by way of various jobs: Madrid taxi driver; English teacher in Brazil and Mexico; and fisherman in South Korea. As Thomas' international perspective grew, so did his conviction that liberty is the only solution. “I witnessed firsthand the results of centralized governments and their progressive policies,” Thomas recounted. So began his involvement in the public policy process. Thomas returned to the United States with his wife, a native of Brazil, and they now have a two-year-old daughter. “I went to school at the University of Alabama for a degree in political science,” Thomas said, “and entered the political ring to fight bare-knuckled for the conservative cause.” Thomas first came to the Leadership Institute's Steven P.J. Wood Building in Arlington, VA in December 2010 for several LI trainings: the week-long Campaign Management School; the Blogging Workshop; and the Public Speaking Workshop. But that wasn't enough. He wanted more. Two months later, Thomas attended the Conservative Career Workshop; the Public Speaking Workshop for a second time; the On-Camera Television Workshop; and LI's High-Dollar Fundraising School. Within six months, Thomas was back. This time, for the week-long, intensive Future Candidate School and LI's Online Fundraising Workshop. “I would highly encourage folks to go to LI training if they've never been,” Thomas said. “It's a great place to network with fellow conservatives and learn exactly what it takes to win elections...Plus, there is a dorm which helps on keeping the cost of staying in the Washington, D.C. area down.” Thomas said, “For anyone who has plenty of experience and assumes that they will not learn anything new, I encourage them to put their pride in check and take notes. You will learn something new. For anyone who is new to the conservative fight, take notes till your fingers bleed. Write down every word and then go home and type it all on your computer. Yes, do it exactly that way. Taking any course and stuffing the handouts in a closet till the next election cycle does not help the conservative cause.” LI now offers campaign training like Thomas took every month. LI's next week-long, intensive training is the Future Candidate School the week of December 5. Come get trained. Register here. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI’s International Leadership Training Seminar Trains 77 Conservatives From Around the World
Mikayla Hall
November 2, 2011
LI’s International Leadership Training Seminar Trains 77 Conservatives From Around the World
Last week the Leadership Institute hosted 77 representatives from 12 countries—Bolivia, Kenya, Latvia, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, Romani, Russia, Spain, Tanzania, United Kingdom, and the United States.The International Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) was a week-long crash course in communications, fundraising, negotiations, and on-camera techniques.Member of the Bolivian Parliament Paola Zapata Montaño said, “The Leadership Institute has made me proud of being a conservative, and has equipped me with not only the right tools, but also the right principles that motivate me to recover the democratic lifestyle that Bolivia deserves.”Notable attendees included Armando Vera, the founder and president of the Hispanic Tea Party; Paola Zapata Montaño, a member of the Bolivian parliament; Lkhagvajav Dolgorjav, the Secretariat's manager for the Democratic Party of Zavkhan province; and Dr. Ole-Ronkei Morompi, the advocacy director at Compassion International.The training was taught in/translated into English, Spanish, and Mongolian. Those in attendance learned from experts in various fields, including: Stephen Clouse, the president of Stephen D. Clouse & Associates; Ann Fitzgerald, president of A.C. Fitzgerald & Associates, LLC; and Giuseppe Gori, the president of Central Dynamics.When asked what he enjoyed about these lectures, Compassion International Advocacy Director Dr. Morompi said, “Strategic use of social media for purposes of political mobilization, fund-raising and ultimately winning an election is certainly the highlight of the training for me at LI.”After three days of intensive training at LI, the group toured the U.S. Capitol. From there, The Heritage Foundation opened their doors and gave additional lectures on the economic index, new media, and how a think tank like Heritage and a “do tank” like LI can work well with conservative activists and officials who want to make a difference.“Graduates of The Leadership Institute go on to be amazing leaders for their cause, both here in America and back in their home countries,” said Bridgett Wagner, Heritage's director of coalition relations.Before returning to their respective countries, some of the attendees offered their kind words about their time at LI.Bolivia's think tank Funbolider's President Alejandro Barja said, “This training has allowed me to change my thinking and my behavior and it has equipped me to better solve the problems of leadership we face and fulfill the needs in my region and country in a positive way.”Interested in attending a future International Leadership Training Seminar? Contact LI's Director International & Government Training Miguel Moreno at (703) 247-2000.Other Leadership Institute training is available here. >
LI’s Graduate of the Week: Passionate Public Policy Pro Jessica Talbert
Lauren Hart
October 31, 2011
LI’s Graduate of the Week: Passionate Public Policy Pro Jessica Talbert
Ohio native Jessica Talbert first became interested in politics as a student at Flagler College in Florida. Her passion for politics and participation in public policy only grew. Now, Jessica has worked in most areas of the public policy process, ranging from the executive and legislative branches to PACs, lobbying groups, Capitol Hill, and political committees. Jessica came to the Leadership Institute first for the Capitol Hill Staff Training School in November 2010 and returned for the week-long Campaign Manager School in December 2010. “I highly recommend the Leadership Institute for conservatives who want to get firsthand training in a variety of topics from campaign management, public speaking, grassroots, and the list goes on,” Jessica said. “In addition to offering great training, the Leadership Institute also brings together conservatives from across the nation, creating relationships that will last our entire careers.” Jessica continued, “Having volunteered in numerous capacities with campaigns, I attended LI's Campaign Manager School to learn the overall operations of a campaign. I was amazed by the experts who spoke at this training…. This training was thorough, extremely informative, and overall a great experience.” Jessica worked in government affairs in D.C. for seven years, but, as she explained, “once Republicans took over the House, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to get firsthand experience working on policy and legislation.” So, Jessica registered for LI's Capitol Hill Staff Training School in November after the elections. She joined 146 other conservatives, making it the largest training in LI's Steven P.J. Wood Building at that time in the Institute's history. “My goal in attending the Capitol Hill Staff Training School was to network with the students and seasoned Republican staffers,” Jessica said. “The class provided a well-rounded explanation on the various issues facing job seekers and also what to expect after finding a position on the Hill.” Jessica got a job working in the Washington, D.C. office of Congressman Steve Austria (OH-7), a member of the House Appropriations Committee, in February 2011. As his legislative assistant, Jessica handles appropriations and policy issues concerning judicial programs, transportation and infrastructure, homeland security, health care, Medicare, Social Security, education, and labor. In college, Jessica said she “was honored to intern for Congressman John Mica in his district office where I learned the importance of constituent services. I then spent a semester in D.C. interning with the Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy and Congressman Dave Camp. This was a unique semester because I simultaneously interned with the Executive and Legislative branches, which was an eye-opening experience on how our government really operates.” “After my semester in D.C.,” Jessica reflected, “I knew I wanted to live here after college. Two days after graduation, I moved to D.C. and started my career.” Her first job was at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Then, she moved to do policy research on substance abuse issues at a small firm. Before moving the Capitol Hill, Jessica most recently ran a political action committee in the health care industry. As Jessica worked during the day, she attended law school at George Mason University School of Law in the evenings. When she wasn't working or going to school, Jessica was volunteering in politics. “As an attorney, I volunteered in Alaska last year for the Senate contest and also volunteered as the Election Day Coordinator in Stark County for the Ohio Republican Party,” Jessica said. “Campaigning is also a passion of mine, and I have volunteered on a Florida State Representative race and Team Ohio.” LI is offering the Conservative Career Workshop November 15-16, similar to the Capitol Hill Staff Training School that Jessica took last year. Register now to reserve your spot. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General Rob Carter, LI’s Graduate of the Week, Transitions to Capitol Hill
Lauren Hart
October 24, 2011
Former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General Rob Carter, LI’s Graduate of the Week, Transitions to Capitol Hill
After being away from Washington, D.C. for nearly 15 years, the Leadership Institute's Graduate of the Week Rob Carter has returned to join the fight on Capitol Hill. “I knew I could learn the new ropes, but I didn't know where to start until I stumbled across a Facebook ad for a Leadership Institute course,” Rob remembers. “That changed everything.” “Nobody—and I mean nobody—can understand how this town works without someone guiding you through the process,” Rob said. “LI gives you the tools and connections you need to get your foot in the door. What you do once you're there is up to you.” In September 2010, Rob attended the Leadership Institute's Legislative Project Management School, and in November 2010 and February 2011 he attended LI's Capitol Hill Staff Training School. In June 2011 Rob came back for the Television Workshop's Introduction to Techniques. “The Leadership Institute taught me how a Congressional office functions and how to get recognized by potential employers. Hill resumes are quite different than those for law firms, and LI really helped me with that,” Rob said. A lawyer by trade, Rob has also worked for: the State of New Jersey as the deputy attorney general; Rep. Bill Posey (FL-15) as a legislative aide; and now for Rep. Bob Turner (NY-9) as his senior legislative assistant. “LI introduced me to many of the people I now see on a weekly (if not daily) basis,” Rob said. "LI also helped me to understand the way political campaigns work and how to market our message in a way that connects with our constituents.” Campaigning is in Rob's blood. He was victorious on three Republican campaigns that were formerly held by Democrats: Senator Scott Brown (MA); Congressman Jon Runyan (NJ-3); and Congressman Bob Turner (NY-9). “Two of my classmates from LI's September 2010 Legislative Project Management School were also on the Runyan campaign,” Rob said. “I acquired a large number of contacts through my LI classes, both from presenters and fellow classmates. That alone was worth the small price of the classes,” Rob said. In September, Rob took on a new job: senior legislative assistant in the office of Congressman Bob Turner. In this role, Rob handles homeland security and national defense issues. “Being a tax attorney,” Rob said, “I also review legislation involving taxation, budget & financial services. I meet with constituents and issue advocates, draft legislation, attend committee meetings, monitor floor activity, and prepare vote recommendations.” Previously, Rob worked for Rep. Bill Posey's (FL-15) as a legislative aide. There, he “handled Financial Services Committee affairs for our office, and did legal work on taxation, Government Sponsored Entities (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac), FDIC bank oversight rules and FDA regulation,” Rob said. “During that time, my favorite project was preparing a 12-minute PowerPoint presentation on the debt crisis for Congressman Posey's website,” Rob said. “It proved invaluable during the Continuing Budget/Government shutdown debate in April and the debt ceiling battle this August.” During his college years at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, Rob interned for the U.S. State Department and at the Jesuit Refugee Service when not working on his political science degree. Rob went onto graduate from: Loyola University of Chicago with a M.A. in Philosophy and Theology; Seton Hall Law School with a J.D.; and, New York University School of Law with a LL.M. in Taxation. Rob suggests LI training for all conservatives: “I speak to countless people, both students and long-term career folks, who want to get a start in Washington. I can think of no place better than LI to get the skills you need for the road ahead.” LI is offering the Conservative Career Workshop November 15-16, similar to the Capitol Hill Staff Training School that Rob took last year. Register now to reserve your spot. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Graduate of the Week Katie Collins, 14: “LI training has influenced the way I think, work, and relate in politics”
Lauren Hart
October 17, 2011
LI Graduate of the Week Katie Collins, 14: “LI training has influenced the way I think, work, and relate in politics”
Fourteen-year-old Florida native Katie Collins, the Leadership Institute's Graduate of the Week, took LI's October 2008 Youth Leadership School in Sarasota, Florida. “I was only 11 at the time, but I remember learning so much about politics and campaigning from you.” “The Leadership Institute inspired me more than anything,” Katie recalls. “They gave me the tools I needed to believe I could successfully launch a political campaign. They continued to add fire to my dream of being a political activist. I learned how to make a difference around me and I have used these skills in many ways.” Katie has been active in public policy the past three years since she attended LI's YLS. “I left LI with an armful of books, inspired by what you said, and have since worked on several campaigns. However, with age, my projects have gotten increasingly bigger, leading up to my current project, overturning Roe vs. Wade.” Katie helped organize the September 20th rally in partnership with Faith2Action to “influence those who remain ‘undecided' in the Senate” over the Heartbeat Bill (H.B. 125) in Ohio. Katie has assisted several pro-family conferences, including: the 2007 Values Voter Presidential Debate in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as a student assistant; the 2009 How to Take Back America Conference in St. Louis, Missouri as a personal assistant to Faith2Action's Director Janet Porter; and most recently, the 2011 Heartbeat Bill Rally in Columbus, Ohio as the homeschool/youth coordinator. “My job was to contact as many young people in Ohio as possible and get them excited about the bill and involved in the process. I plan to continue to make myself available to help Faith2Action pass the Heartbeat Bill, the most protective piece of pro-life legislation in America through the Ohio Senate,” Katie said. Katie, her brother Sam, and their parents frequently travel, as homeschooling allows a more flexible schedule. The picture right shows Katie in front of the Piazza del Duomo in Milano, Italy. “I was pretty excited about the LI class, but nervous because I didn't know too much about it. In the evening I stayed up well past midnight with the other kids working very hard on all of our assigned homework. The LI teachers taught us to have fun while we worked hard,” Katie remembers. “I worked with other kids during class competitions and even won a contest! I learned specifically how to write press releases, draw bubble pictures for 'campaigns', etc. I go back to my class composition book time and time again,” Katie says, “as I consider how to reach people effectively. I suppose that was the lecture that meant the most to me in how to reach people effectively with a list of a dozen or so ways. And of course, each way had a fun name to remember it by!” What does 14-year-old Katie have her eye on next? “God has given me a gift of communication. Many people have told me that. He has also given me a love of the political arena, in the sense that I feel a calling to be involved in pro-life and pro-family/marriage movements,” Katie said. “I don't want to be a politician! I just want to fight for the issues dear to me, more like a political lobbyist.” Katie says that she has “recommended the Leadership Institute to many of my friends. LI was extremely beneficial to me as a young woman with political interests. LI training has influenced the way I think about politics, the ways I go about working in politics, and the way I relate to others about politics. I hope many others will continue to learn from the teachers at LI,” Katie said. “Maybe someday I'll even be able to go back and take some other classes myself!” Want to be trained as an effective conservative activist like Katie? Check out the full schedule of LI's upcoming trainings. For more information on LI's Youth Leadership Schools, please go here. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Craig Copland, LI’s Graduate of the Week, Converts to Conservatism and Creates Useful Political Tools
Lauren Hart
October 11, 2011
Craig Copland, LI’s Graduate of the Week, Converts to Conservatism and Creates Useful Political Tools
Retired Canadian entrepreneur Craig Copland, the Leadership Institute's graduate of the week, created tools for conservatives involved in the public policy process after attending LI's Campaign Management School in December 2010. “The programs offered by the Leadership Institute are by far the most cost-effective and time-effective ways of learning how to be a conservative activist,” Craig said. “The Campaign Management School was an exceptional program that provided quantity and quality of useful information, expert and inspirational instruction, and supportive and convivial interaction with fellow conservatives. And it was a lot of fun.” “My week at LI changed my life,” Craig said. “This is no mean feat when one is over sixty. I realized that while I had no interest in personally running for elected office, I could actually do something significant that might help other conservatives win elections. I perceived two needs in the conservative movement that I could respond to: 1) A simple handbook that laid out what you had to do and not do to win elections; and 2) A way of using the Internet so that conservatives could share with each other their stories and lessons learned about election campaigns.” And less than a year later, Craig has done just this. “I work on projects that will, I hope, help advance conservatism in Canada and the U.S.,” Craig said. “In addition to the 2012 Conservative Election Handbook and the site, I have just started a Conservative Buyers Club that will serve as a fundraising tool for conservative organizations, churches, and political campaigns while saving individual conservatives hundreds, perhaps even, thousands of dollars.” “We cannot afford to ‘re-invent the wheel' during every election campaign. Conservatives must learn from each other if we want to win consistently. The Leadership Institute has been foundational in this process,” Craig said. “We, the privileged graduates of LI, must expand and share the lessons learned not only directly in our local communities, but also through the limitless resources of the Internet, a medium which we must confess the liberals have been much better at making effective use of than we have . . . so far,” Craig continued. You would think Craig was a life-long grassroots conservative. However, it took him working in five developing countries caught up in major crises before Craig came to understand that government isn't the solution—it is the problem. Born and raised in Toronto, Craig says, “Whatever I may be today is primarily due to the influence of a loving, conservative, Christian family and a very conservative local church and Christian summer camp.” Although he grew up in a Christian family with conservative political views, he strayed in graduate school. “I admit to having voted for the Canadian socialist party when I was a grad student. As a young man,” Craig said, “I was an ardent liberal do-gooder and extensively involved in the early days of the environmental movement.” After graduate school, Craig spent more than 20 years travelling the world, working in international development, child care, and humanitarian aid. He assisted with aid programs during the Ethiopian famine of the mid-1980s, the civil war in Sri Lanka, the disasters of Somalia and Rwanda, and the innumerable miseries that affected Haiti. “It was during this period of my life that I was ‘mugged by reality' and came to understand that ‘Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.' Slowly, perhaps even reluctantly, I turned right,” Craig explained. “Since then I have become quite involved in conservative politics as a volunteer and consultant for election campaigns and conservative organizations,” Craig said. When not working at his consulting and marketing firm, Craig spends time as a volunteer for charities—Habitat for Humanity International and the American Foundation for Children with AIDS, to name a few—that are active in Eastern Europe and Africa. Craig also enjoys spending time with his three daughters and three “gorgeous and perfect grandchildren.” Craig, a believer in free markets, desires to expand the conservative base by electing more to office. “Except for a very few rare anomalies, all senior elected officials in America began their political careers down ballot,” Craig reports. “If we want to conserve America, in depth and breadth, we cannot do it by winning only one, big elected office. We need to win 600,000 elections.” His creations—the and the 2012 Conservative Election Handbook—are a pursuit toward this goal. “Neither of these accomplishments is perfect or anywhere close, and no doubt they will be improved on by others more capable than I,” Craig says, “but these were two things I could do to help, now.” You too can make a splash for the conservative movement. Come get Leadership Institute training like Craig. Check out the full schedule of LI's upcoming trainings. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Congressman Tim Huelskamp, LI Graduate: “We’re Not Going to Win by Hiding”
Mikayla Hall
October 6, 2011
Congressman Tim Huelskamp, LI Graduate: “We’re Not Going to Win by Hiding”
Yesterday 72 conservatives filled the Leadership Institute's Steven P.J. Wood Building to hear Rep. Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) speak at the monthly Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast.“I want to thank you Morton for your leadership and helping train folks like myself,” said Rep. Huelskamp. “I've spent many an hour at an LI workshop, receiving the training. It is a distinct honor to be here this morning.”Fired up by recent news that the Department of Health and Human Services will have access to Americans' medical records, Rep. Huelskamp gave an impassioned plea for conservatives to take action in Congress.“It is taking the language of the left—taking the strategies and the technology and going out and convincing folks that we have the answers. It is our conservative principles that are going to win the day. But we're not going to win by hiding,” Rep. Huelskamp told the audience.He argued for Congress to promote conservative principles, not put off policy battles until a more favorable election.“[My colleagues say] ‘wait until 2013, we'll have the House, the Senate and the President.' But what if we don't get 60 votes in the Senate? Then we end up putting it off until 2015. ...but the only cuts that count are the ones you do now,” said Rep. Huelskamp.While discussing procrastination regarding budgetary issues, he noted: “Just because we're not fighting, doesn't mean we're not losing. If you're not fighting, they're adding trillions to the debt.”“There is a lack of urgency in Washington,” Rep. Huelskamp said in a call for more action and backbone from political leaders. “Just do what you say you're going to do.”“The idea that a young man—a kid out from the middle of nowhere—can end up in Washington, D.C. representing a Congressional district, that's pretty amazing.”You too can do great things with the right training.Check out the full schedule of LI's upcoming schools. The next Wake-Up Club Breakfast, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 2, will feature Dr. Matthew Spalding, distinguished author and director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation. For more information and to RSVP, please go here. >
Congressman Huelskamp’s Chief of Staff Jim Pfaff: A Career Conservative
Lauren Hart
October 3, 2011
Congressman Huelskamp’s Chief of Staff Jim Pfaff: A Career Conservative
For many, Leadership Institute training marks the start of a lifelong career advancing conservative principles in politics. So it is for Jim Pfaff, chief of staff for Congressman Tim Huelskamp and LI graduate of the week. Jim's political career stretches nearly three decades. He's been president of grassroots organizations, led winning statewide campaigns, served as a campaign manager and consultant, and even worked as a talk radio host. “LI has produced an amazing list of graduates like me who have gone on to have a great impact on the national and state levels,” Jim said. His first Leadership Institute training was in 1984. Jim was an English major and political science minor at Indiana University after graduating high school from The Webb School in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. It was a “one-week grassroots training,” Jim recalled. In that same year, he interned at LI, and worked with Ralph Reed to start Students for America, a pro-life political action committee. “My LI training experience in 1984 was a fundamental part of my political career, which includes various statewide campaigns, public policy efforts, a political consulting business for nearly 20 years, and ultimately my coming to Congress this year as a Chief of Staff,” Jim said. As a campaign consultant, Jim helped elect eight conservative candidates and later managed George Witwer's 1996 campaign for Lt. Governor of Indiana. He also served as administrative director for the Opportunity Project of Indiana, which gave $90,000 to fiscally conservative candidates for state legislature in 1994. In the private sector, Jim served as president and chief executive officer at Innovative Research and Data Solutions, LLC (IRDS) for 13 years. The company's work matched his background, offering consulting in public policy and public relations; business research; media strategies; and even on-the-ground consulting for political campaigns and grassroots organizations. In 2005, Jim managed a highly successful conservative grassroots effort in Kansas to pass a traditional marriage amendment -- which received 70% of the vote. He worked for Focus on the Family Action and started several organizations: Colorado Family Action; the Colorado Family Institute; and Americans for Prosperity's Colorado state chapter in 2008. He also led a successful effort to pass a similar marriage amendment in Colorado though outspent nearly six to one by opponents. Jim's work garnered praise from Erick Erickson of RedState, who called him a "nearly indespensable person in social conservative grassroots politics." Social conservative leader Ralph Reed said Jim was "one of the greatest grassroots organizers in the country." Jim still finds time to teach lessons he once learned at the Leadership Institute to conservatives across the country. He's been a faculty member at 12 LI campaign, fundraising, and communications trainings, from the Institute's Steven P.J. Wood Building in Arlington, Virginia to Grand Forks, North Dakota. "As an LI trainer, I could do nothing less," Jim explained. "I decided to dedicate some of my time to help with LI trainings because I believe they fill an important need in the conservative movement to prepare effective grassroots, media, and campaign strategists." Please congratulate Jim Pfaff as this week' Leadership Institute graduate of the week. Jim is the chief of staff for Congressman Tim Huelskamp, who will speak at LI's Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast on October 5. Please join conservatives and Institute supporters for breakfast with Congressman Huelskamp. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate you know to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Graduate of the Week and New Mexico Businesswoman Kelly Fajardo Says, “I don’t think I would have ever taken the step to run if not for LI.”
Lauren Hart
September 26, 2011
LI Graduate of the Week and New Mexico Businesswoman Kelly Fajardo Says, “I don’t think I would have ever taken the step to run if not for LI.”
Kelly Fajardo does it all. She is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, community blogger, mother of three, web designer, and now a candidate in New Mexico for county clerk in Valencia County. Born and raised in New Mexico, Kelly family moved to California with her family for high school. “But it wasn't too long before we moved back to New Mexico,” Kelly said. "New Mexico is my home!” Now Kelly is on the ballot for her local elections. “Running for office was never on the list of the things to do,” Kelly said. “I was helping a friend of mine during his 2010 campaign and several people asked when I was running. My answer was always, ‘Never, I'm a behind-the-scenes person.'” “I wanted to get involved in politics to make a difference and stand up for my conservative values,” Kelly explained. “The information, training, and skills I learned through LI helped me have the confidence to know that I can run a successful campaign.” Kelly credits LI training for getting her ready to run. “I don't think I would have ever taken the step to run if not for LI," she said. Kelly has attended six LI trainings. She first learned of the Institute in April 2010 when she traveled to the Steven P.J. Wood Building in Arlington, Virginia for the Campaign Manager School. “I attended Leadership Institute training because I wanted to get more involved in politics and had no idea where to start,” Kelly said. “A friend of mine heard about LI and was already planning on attending the week-long Campaign Management School, so I tagged along. It was a life-changing week!” “When you ask what I learned, I learned EVERYTHING," Kelly explained. "I was so new to politics, still am, and knew nothing. One of the things that stood out to me was that there was never a boring lecture. The speakers were so dynamic, so real, and I absorbed everything they said like a sponge. I left feeling confident that I could really help make a difference back home.” In August 2010, Kelly went online to to receive additional LI-sponsored training. Then in December 2010, she attended the Youth Leadership School in Flagstaff, Arizona. When Institute training came to Rio Rancho, New Mexico, she was there for the Travel Campaign Management School -- both the regular class and the advanced workshop -- and, last month, in August 2011, she attended another Youth Leadership School in Albuquerque which New Mexico Lt. Governor Sanchez visited. Below: Lt. Governor Sanchez, Kelly, and other YLS graduates “lean right” in Albuquerque. “At the Youth Leadership School our instructor told us to attend every [political] meeting, ‘You never know what will happen,'" Kelly said. "I have taken his advice, and I can honestly say it has benefited me tremendously. I attend as many community events and meetings as I can. In order to have a ‘reason' to attend, I started writing my own blog. I did it for the benefit of one or two friends who wanted to know what was going on in the meetings, but the readership has grown." “I am still surprised when someone I don't know tells me how much they appreciate the blog,” Kelly said. “Not only has attending these meetings and writing about it helped me to stay on top of the pulse of the community, but I have met so many people and I've gained a great network of friends and business associates. I now tell people that 90% of getting involved in politics is just showing up!” What drives Kelly to be so engaged and active in public policy? “My ‘ministry' is the youth,” Kelly explains. “I served for years in youth ministry at our local church and in the last couple of years this has morphed into helping young people get more involved in politics. After all, it is their future we are spending.” When LI's Youth Leadership School came to Albuquerque, Kelly evenrecruited others to join her. “I had the privilege of being the point person in hosting a YLS in New Mexico,” Kelly says. “I encouraged everyone I knew to attend, and I have heard nothing but great feedback. I now have a whole new crop of young people trained and ready for 2012! It's great!” Married for 15 years to Larry Fajardo, Kelly and her husband have three boys. Kelly had worked for the family business in accounting, payroll, and billing. Her parents started the business more than 20 years ago "from nothing," Kelly remembered. But a year ago, a tragic fire destroyed the company; "there was no way to rebuild," she said. “Looking at the economy and knowing I had to do something for my family, I began my own business nine months ago," Kelly explained. "Having the experience of web design for the last 10 years, I started by own web design and social media consulting business [named KKF Media]. I love what I do." “I especially enjoy working with non-profits and campaigns,” Kelly said. “I teach organizations the benefits of social media and how to run successful campaigns using the social media tools available, including fundraising techniques.” New Mexico State Representative Alonzo Baldonado, aother LI graduate, used KKF Media for his successful campaign. “KKF Media was a game changer in our campaign," he said. "She was able to get our site up, running, and looking great. Now that we won our election, they were able to plug us into our voter base and keep us in front of the action.” Kelly is a strong advocate for LI training, recruiting students for upcoming schools and seminars. “I just happened to speak with a gentleman the other day who is considering a run for State Legislature. It is his first time being a candidate, and the first thing I told him was to attend LI's Campaign Manger School. I assured him the information and training would be the best investment he could ever make in his campaign. (Glad to say, he is registered for October).” You too can receive the “best investment in your campaign” by registering for LI's monthly campaign training. The next campaign training is next week--October 3-6. For more information and to register, please click here. To nominate someone for Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Meet LI’s Fall Interns
Lauren Hart
September 21, 2011
Meet LI’s Fall Interns
September 21, 2011, Arlington, VA—The Leadership Institute has a tip-top class of fall interns this year. Obed Bazikian • Rutgers University • Weehawken, New Jersey • Youth Leadership School Obed Bazikian graduated from Rutgers University in 2010 with a degree in political science. He was a member of the College Republicans, an assistant in the ESL graduate program, and involved in the Rutgers Telefund. Obed also studied at the Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, where he served as a resident assistant. He volunteered on the Chris Christie gubernatorial campaign in New Jersey and interned for World Information Transfer, an NGO for which he served as a representative at many United Nations meetings. Obed has also done international relief work in both India and Mexico. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? My duties as a Youth Leadership School Intern are to call potential school attendees for recruitment, gather and mail event materials, and enter information received from each YLS student into our databases. At the end of the internship, my project will be to organize and facilitate an entire school. This does not mean to teach every class for the school, but I will be responsible for all the planning and logistics for the event. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? Being an intern for YLS is both challenging and exciting. I hit the ground running in the department and I had to learn a lot in a short amount of time. With that said, my supervisors are excellent at what they do, and it has been so helpful to learn from their demonstrated skills and experience. The skills I am learning at YLS are sharpening me to become more confident in myself and my God-given abilities. It is this aspect of my job that is exciting for me. 3. What are your future plans? My future plans are to serve on staff for a public official, work in the executive branch, and run for public office on a federal level. I would also seek to have more experience in International Relations; therefore a position in the state department for a time would be desired. Thomas Cloud • University of Washington • Gig Harbor, Washington • President's Office Thomas Cloud graduated from the University of Washington in June 2011 with a double major in economics and history. He was a regular contributor to his university newspaper, The Daily. He is now a contributing writer to, where he writes editorials on politics, current events, and college life. Thomas also completed an internship at The Peninsula Gateway, his hometown newspaper. He served as a student assistant in the University of Washington's economics department. In 2011, Thomas was a finalist for the William F. Buckley Jr. Fellowship. He has been involved in Young Americans for Liberty and the Washington Policy Center. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? Both Morton and Cathy are very busy, so I act as a sort of catchall for everyday odds and ends. I help process Adam Smith Tie orders, file, make sure the mail gets out on time, research, and keep the jelly bean jar full among other things. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? Learning the ins and outs of maintaining and growing a successful conservative movement through LI's schools and my co-workers is both exciting and refreshing. 3. What are your future plans? My plans are always in flux but for now I am determined to write. Someday I hope to be a syndicated columnist writing on politics and whatever else piques my interest. Charles Creitz • Temple University • Schnecksville, Pennsylvania • LI Studios/Online Pr. Charles Creitz graduated from Temple University in May 2011 with a degree in broadcast journalism. He recently completed an internship with the Charles G. Koch Foundation, through which he was placed with the Leadership Institute's development department. He completed an internship in Philadelphia with the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, where he aided in recruitment efforts, made phone calls, and went door-to-door for candidates. Charles is a city committeeman for the 20th Ward Republican City Committee of Philadelphia. In 2009, he volunteered in the office of Representative Gary Day. He is also an Eagle Scout. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? I will edit and produce clips and larger projects for LI Studios using Final Cut and other programs. Additionally, I will write scripts, assist with technical production of webinars including prompter, key grip, and other important positions. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? I am most excited about the possibility of honing skills and gaining experience through work and LI schools so that I can finally find a full time job in the conservative movement. 3. What are your future plans? Find a job. Then I can work on the more extensive plans. Mikayla Hall • University of Washington • Gig Harbor, Washington • Recruitment Mikayla Hall graduated from the University of Washington in June 2011 with a double major in political science and communication. She is the northwest regional director for Young Americans for Liberty, having previously served as the Washington state chair. While at the University of Washington, Mikayla was the College Republicans vice president, a public speaking and speechwriting tutor, and public relations advisor for the Invisible Children chapter. She has also served as the Washington State College Republican Federation's communications director and a youth mentor in the St. Joseph Youth Ministry program in her hometown. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? My job duties are: running the Twitter account; strategizing more effective/efficient means of new media communication; data entry; and assisting in general outreach activities. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? I am most excited about the opportunity to practice the communications skills I learned in college in a real workplace environment—and further the conservative movement in the process. 3. What are your future plans? My career goal as of now is to become a speech writer. Thus, I hope that post-internship I can find communications jobs that further allow me to hone in on my writing, editing and speaking skills. Laci Lawrence • Texas Tech University • Lubbock, Texas • Employ. Placement Services Laci Lawrence graduated from the Texas Tech University School of Law in 2011 with a biosecurity law certificate. While at Texas Tech, Laci was the student editor for the Journal of Biosecurity, Biosafety, and Biodefense Law. She was vice president of the Family Law Society, worked in the Legal Aid Clinic, and helped to bring Students for Life back to the Texas Tech campus. She was also a fellow at the Texas Tech Center for Biodefense, Law, and Public Policy. Laci earned a degree in sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice from Abilene Christian University. She has volunteered at the Regional Crime Victim Crisis Center and the Taylor County Child Advocacy Center in Abilene. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? I will be helping with marketing to a broader audience, specifically college students around the U.S. who attend LI trainings and schools. Each day I help Andrea search for conservative jobs, post them to the website, and broadcast the newly-posted opportunities via Facebook and Twitter. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? The most exciting part of this internship is living in D.C. and meeting new and interesting people. My dream was to work in D.C., so now I need to find a way to stay. 3. What are your future plans? My plans include working for a federal agency or think tank on national security issues and public policy. Frank Manning • University of Nottingham • London, England • Development Frank Manning graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in European politics. Frank is a researcher for Big Brother Watch, a civil liberties and privacy campaign think tank in London. He has been published in numerous media outlets including Conservative Home, The Commentator, the European Journal, and Wikiminster. After completing his degree, Frank spent a year as a trainee quantity surveyor with Ward Williams Associates in Cornwall. He then enrolled in a Spanish language school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Upon his return, he worked at his family's hotel and restuarant. In October 2010, Frank spent two weeks in Westminster to gain a better understanding of Parliament. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? I will be working with the Development team to learn as much as possible about donor relations, including direct mail, phone calls as well as face-to-face meetings. I also hope to ascertain whether the department may benefit from the expanded use of email marketing such as a weekly roundup of events for supporters of LI and easier online donations. Having used them for a campaign group that I previously worked for I think they could be very useful. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? The opportunity to experience working for a hugely successful training organization in America will give me a fresh perspective on how to operate when back in the UK. Washington is also a fantastic city to live in and I hope to make excellent contacts for the future by networking at a number of events. 3. What are your future plans? After completing my internship I will return to England to work as the Campaigns Coordinator for the Young Britons' Foundation. I will utilize everything that I have learnt over the course of my three months in the Development department here at the Leadership Institute to expand the organization and attract more funding from conservative supporters in Britain. Eventually we hope to open a training center in the style of the Leadership Institute in London. Fredrick Mckinley • Belhaven University • Jackson, Mississippi • Political Training Fredrick Mckinley graduated from Belhaven University in April 2011 with a degree in history and a minor in political science. Since January 2011, he has served as an aide in the elections division for the office of Mississippi Secretary of State. He worked on the campaign to elect Jeff Weill as Circuit Court Judge. In this role, Fredrick communicated with the candidate about how to respond to the needs of the people in the West Jackson neighborhoods. He worked with youth groups in Mississippi and Alaska, where he developed curriculum, delivered speeches, and led programming. Fredrick also served as a runner for the Watkins, Ludlam, Winter, & Stennis law firm and worked at Lifeway Christian Bookstore. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? My duties include assisting in the planning and implementation of Political Training Schools like the Campaign Management, Future Candidate, Online Activist, and Conservative Career Schools. I assist with the closing of schools through data entry and reports for evaluations and blue sheets. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? I am most excited about this internship through growing professionally, developing new relationships, and learning more about the conservative movement. 3. What are your future plans? My future plans are to find a job in political training or grassroots organization. Angela Mitchell • Liberty University • Hedgesville, West Virginia • Events Angela Mitchell graduated in May 2011 from Liberty University with a degree in history. She was a member of College Republicans, where she worked with local campaigns and voting polls. She also served as a campus liaison for Concerned Women for America, informing women on campus about public policy issues and ways to get involved, and promoting CWA events. Angela has extensive experience in customer service, having worked in telecommunication at In-Service America and catering and marketing at Chick-fil-A. 1. What are your job duties within your department and what projects will you be working on this semester? Throughout the semester I will be working on preparing LI offices and guests for the Wednesday Wake-up Club Breakfasts, the staff Christmas Party, and prep work for each of the upcoming schools. 2. What are you most excited about in this internship? I am mostly excited for the experience I will learn at LI. I believe it is invaluable to whatever my future career may be! Not only am I excited about the positive, conservative work environment, but also the amazing opportunities and events that we as interns are able to attend. I am blessed, and excited at the thought of all that I am able to learn about the conservative movement as a whole throughout the course of my internship, and working with those at LI. 3. What are your future plans? Although I am still forming a clear plan on what I would like to do, my future plans are definitely to establish myself with the non-profit sector. I love what I am doing at LI with events and working with the public, and would love to achieve success in event planning and/or possibly work in development. Please welcome each LI intern! Please click here for information on LI's intern program.
Florida GOP Political Director is LI Graduate of the Week
Lauren Hart
September 19, 2011
Florida GOP Political Director is LI Graduate of the Week
September 19, 2011, Arlington, VA—Meet Brian Swensen. He is the political director for the Republican Party of Florida. Brian is this week's LI Graduate of the Week. He manages the 2012 grassroots and field operation for the state. “I also am in charge of managing the delegates and guests for Florida's straw poll, Presidency 5, which will be held this week. Prior to that, I was the 2010 Victory Director for Governor Rick Scott. I managed his statewide field operation of 16 offices and more than 200 staff,” Brian said. Brian is no stranger to LI training. He has attended six: Grassroots Get-Out-The-Vote Workshop in October 2008; Public Speaking Workshop 2 in July 2008; Public Speaking Workshop in July 2008; Campaign Manager School in December 2007; the High Dollar Fundraising School in September of 2007; and the Field Program's Youth Leadership School in August 2007. “I had not yet managed a campaign when I took these schools and since then, I have managed three,” Brian said. “When I got involved in the campaigns I hit the ground running and knew what I was doing in part because of my training from LI,” Brian said. “The schools I got the most out of were the Youth Leadership School and Campaign Manager School. I have been able to utilize many of the diverse topics I have learned from LI and put them to use.” How has LI training helped Brian be more effective in Florida politics? “I learned how to effectively build and mobilize a grassroots operation. In addition, I learned how to effectively care for and manage volunteers,” Brian said. “Some of the best stuff I learned which I applied in Governor Scott's election were some of the basics people overlook, such as: room size in comparison to crowd size; how to make a crowd look more alive and fun then it may actually look; and manage a true grassroots staff from door to door, to phone banking, and GOTV.” Originally born in Yonkers, New York, Brian lived in St. Croix, Virgin Islands and Middletown, New Jersey. He moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1997 and attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Later, he attended Florida International University (FIU) where he was heavily involved in Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and student government while working toward his public administration degree. After college he moved to Arlington, Virginia and worked at LI for 1.5 years. Since then he has lived in several places in Florida and is now residing in Tallahassee. Brian continues to spur on the conservative movement through teaching as a distinguished faculty member for LI at more than 55 trainings (Youth Leadership School, Student Publications Workshops, and others) around the country. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with other young conservatives. This week LI will travel down to the Sunshine State for the American Conservative Union's CPAC-FL conference to train more conservatives in grassroots activism. Please stop by our booth Friday to say hello and make sure to attend at least one of our three afternoon trainings. CPAC-Fl is being held in the South Concourse of the Orange County Convention Center. The address is 9899 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819. See you there! To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate for LI Graduate of the Week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Graduate of the Week Jake Frank: No Ordinary High School Student
Lauren Hart
September 12, 2011
LI Graduate of the Week Jake Frank: No Ordinary High School Student
Jake Frank is no ordinary high school student. Along with his busy schedule of class, studying, and extracircular activities, Jake interns for Assemblyman Paul Cook (CA-65). Jake attends Yucca Valley High School where he is active in the Leadership (ASB) class. Through this class he met Mariya Swella, sister to Meghan Swella, LI's Youth Leadership School Coordinator. Mariya encouraged Jake to attend LI's Youth Leadership School (YLS), and he did in September 2010 when the YLS came to the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. “The training I received at the Youth Leadership School taught me how to run youth-oriented campaigns on college campuses. I applied a scaled-down version of the election strategies to my school elections. The Youth Leadership School gave me an insight into politics that most 17-year olds do not understand, allowing me an advantage,” Jake said. After LI training, Jake decided he wanted to increase his political activism. “After attending [the YLS], I resolved to become more involved in government," Jake said. "I began asking various people I knew who were already involved where I should start. From there I received an application from Assemblyman Cook's Field Representative Dawn Rowe and applied for the internship." The YLS “taught me different ways of looking at problems, helping me become more creative when it comes to getting my foot in the door," Jake explained. "I have applied the techniques I was taught to write my intern application and to fulfill reports.” As an intern, Jake is responsible for representing and staffing the assemblyman at community events. “The tasks I am called on to complete usually take place around the community here in California's Morongo Basin," Jake said. "Most of my projects have been public-appearance oriented. When the assemblymen and his field representative cannot be present at a function in our area I am called on to attend.” If you would like to learn how to be an effective youth activist like Jake, please contact YLS Coordinator Meghan Swella at Also visit LI's training schedule to know when LI training is coming to your area. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the weke, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI’s Graduate of the Week Cindy Chafian Gives Voice to Concerned Moms
Lauren Hart
September 6, 2011
LI’s Graduate of the Week Cindy Chafian Gives Voice to Concerned Moms
September 6, 2011, Arlington, VA—Almost every interest group is represented by a PAC or lobbying group, so why shouldn't mothers have such a group? Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week Cindy Chafian has made it her mission to support fellow mothers through her new nonprofit—The Mommy Lobby—which raises awareness and advocates for issues conservative moms feel every day. A native of Southern California, Cindy and her Navy officer husband moved to Virginia 12 years ago. “For the past 15 years I have been a stay-at-home mom. The demands of doing just that hindered my ability to really get involved with what was happening in politics,” Cindy said. “I was so busy taking care of my kids that I simply didn't have much left over at the end of the day.” “At the end of the Bush Term, I really began to get concerned with what was happening and since my children were slightly older, I was able to start researching, reading, and getting more involved,” Cindy said. “After working with a couple of conservative activist groups, I did not feel like they were reaching the ‘mom demographic.' I felt like I knew what my calling was and The Mommy Lobby was born.” Enter the Leadership Institute. “Not having a background in politics,” Cindy says, “I turned to the one place I felt could best equip me for working within the field I was venturing into. The Leadership Institute provides amazing training courses, and while I am not done learning, I am far more knowledgeable now than I was before taking the courses.” Cindy has taken six LI trainings this year: Online Fundraising Workshop; Youth Leadership School; Public Speaking Workshop; Public Relations School; Advanced Public Speaking Workshop; and Grassroots Campaign School. Cindy goes on: “Anytime I suggest LI to anyone, I always tell them this is an invaluable training organization that supports the goals of the conservative movement. In a world where it feels like everyone around you is far-left liberal, it's wonderful to be around those who share your values and vision for the country we are all so blessed to live in. I look forward to enrolling in more LI courses to help guide me.” The Mommy Lobby is “a political/social advocacy group with the goal to engage, inform, and activate everyday moms to get involved and take the collective voice of the American family to those who make the decisions for our children's future.” For more information on this group, please go to their website If you would like to learn how you can start an effective campus group, lobbying group, or other political groups, visit LI's upcoming training schedule. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate for LI Graduate of the Week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
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