5 Actions to Ensure a Successful Career Strategy in 2021
1. Make a plan for one career-related activity in early 2021.

This could be anything -- attend a Leadership Institute training, read a book related to career development you have been putting off, or spend 30 minutes to polish your LinkedIn profile.
2. Volunteer with a cause or organization that is important to you.

This serves as an opportunity to give back to your community in a meaningful way. While in-person volunteering may look different this Christmas, there are still ways to get involved if you put in the time.

Bonus, who knows who you may meet. These days, meeting new people is a challenge. Take this opportunity to engage with others outside of a professional environment. Maybe you will meet someone who could be a part of your professional network.
3. Set calendar reminders for early 2021 tasks.
For example, set a reminder for early February to ping five contacts you have not spoken to in a while. A short email, not asking for anything. Simply reconnect and ask how their holiday was.
4. Find an accountability partner for your biggest 2021 career goals and make an action plan together.
I am a big believer in accountability partners. Accountability partners are often referenced in the health, exercise, or money fields, but not in the career field.

Find a partner and schedule a standing monthly call to discuss your progress at work. Review what went well, what you need to work on, and make sure your actions align with the strategies you set at the beginning of the year.
5. Write letters to a few people who have made a difference in your year.
Write personalized handwritten notes sharing how grateful you are to have them in your life.

It could be people on your team, a boss, or a mentor who helped you this year. Maybe they provided career advice or direction. Perhaps they connected you with someone who turned out to be meaningful for you professionally. Maybe they make zoom calls more enjoyable.

Whoever they are, send them notes telling them you appreciate them.