LI Celebrates George Washington's Birthday
Nearly 300 years after his birth on February 22, 1732, George Washington's legacy -- as a general and as a president -- is remembered by his country. Honored in a eulogy as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," Washington is known as the father of the United States.

 Assessing Washington’s overreaching impact is a daunting task, yet British Prime Minister Winston Churchill succinctly wrote, “George Washington holds one of the proudest titles that history can bestow. He was the Father of his Nation. Almost alone his stanchness in the War of Independence held the American colonies to their united purpose. His services after victory had been won were no less great. His firmness and example while first President restrained the violence of faction and postponed a national schism for sixty years. His character and influence steadied the dangerous leanings of Americans to take sides against Britain or France. He filed his office with dignity and inspired his administration with much of his own wisdom.”

Today the Leadership Institute remembers the birth of George Washington and celebrates his gifts to this nation. Please join other Institute supporters in sharing your thoughts on Washington's legacy on the Leadership Institute Facebook fan page.
