From Small Business Owner to City Councilman

John Rosenfeld is like many of us: a small business owner, a family man, and a liberty-loving American. But John is also a member of his City Council -- a position he sought out of concern for his country.

"Like many people, I just recently got involved in the political process during the run-up to the 2008 election," John said. Although he had no political experience, he ran for a seat on the City Council in Minturn, Colorado, a small town west of Vail. John's motivation for getting involved was simple: "I am very concerned about the direction of our country," he explained.

John's campaign strategy was to talk to as many Minturn residents as he could -- and put a few signs around the town. "I wish I could have taken your class long ago," he said to Chris Doss, LI's Grassroots Training Coordinator, after an Institute training just a few weeks ago, "as I would not have made the mistakes I did."

In the April 2010 election, John lost by just one vote. "The ballot stated that people needed to vote for three of the five candidates," he said. "Ironically, during the vote, my wife and I both voted for the same three [candidates]. I lost by one vote -- to the person that we voted for, effectively giving that person the victory!"

But in October 2010, John's luck changed. An incumbent City Council member resigned because he'd decided to move his family to Ecuador. John was appointed his seat as the "next highest vote-getter" in the election, and started his City Council term on October 6, 2010.

"It's going well so far," John said of his time as a City Council member. "We are dealing with many important issues" like "property taxes and staff salaries."

In January, John decided to supplement his hands-on political experience with training from the Leadership Institute. On January 28 and 29, John attended LI's Campaign School in Lakewood, Colorado -- a 99-mile drive from Minturn.

Was it worth it? It seems so. "With this class, conservatives will gain the skills needed to take this country back," John said. He added a personal note for other conservatives: "I am just one example of the transformation we are experiencing in this country back toward freedom and liberty. You are playing a very important role in that transformation."

To learn the tools and techniques to become a leader in your community, attend a Leadership Institute training. Review LI's 2011 training schedule online. If you'd like to bring training to your hometown, contact LI's Grassroots Department, which brings Leadership Institute training to conservatives around the country.